Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Hey all!!!

Welcome to the Pretty Little Rich Girl's Club!! Here we talk about everything and anything to do with fashion, style and lifestyle. We say what you have thought for so long but just didn't say..nothing is off limits!! ;)

With that being said....Everybody tells you that looks fade and beauty is only skin deep right?? When looking for a partner you're supposed to look deeper than what's in front of you???... We say BS!!!!! Cuz style does not fade!!!... it only evolves!!! Your prospective other may not be goorrrgggeeeoouusss in the face, but in this Club..they HAVE to have style!!!

You can be as cute as you wanna be...but if your kicks look like they were fighting in the need NOT apply for my position!! Call me superficial if you want..I'm positive that some will.. but that's only because you have no style :). Everyone is looking for that person that compliments them, and style is included. Some people might feel that they can upgrade their mate but I've seen one too many times a) your partner refuses to get on board with their much needed make over..or b) they get onboard and then jump ship!! LMAO Leave your ass in the dust because not only are they now feeling themselves..the vultures are feeling them too!! (covers eyes)

They need a style prenup!! We both come into this where we're at, and we leave the same way!! Lol..No one's gonna leave with everything I got and put my time into! No thank you!! Soooo do we want a good guy?? Yesssss…but does he have to have style?? YESSSSSS. Duh. Granted our style choices and yours may differ; however (whispers) we are usually on point!

Until next time besties, stay pretty! *muahhh*